The Half Marathon Race

The Half Marathon Race “On the Traces of Iera Odos” has been inspired by the steps of the initiators of the past, who have been walking along the “Iera Odos” in order to awaken their consciousness during the Elefsinian Mysteries. In 2015, in the framework of the Aeschylia Festival, the half marathon race of 21klm had been organised, taking Thisio as the point of departure and Elefsina as the finish area.One of the messages given by the race is that the athlete runs in the race not only physically, as a body, but also as a free spirit, leaving a trace of culture, courtesy and intellectual pursuit.Iera Odos, which had served in the past as a universal symbol of an initiation course towards catharsis, still keeps this message. This constitutes, also, the special nature of this half race marathon in comparison to any other race of this kind.For more information please visit


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